August 2020


END OF INTRODUCTORY COURSE EXAMINATION RESULT 2019 SET SCHOOL OF NURSING IYIENU MISSION HOSPITAL OGIDI E-MAIL:,   NB: Please, for those that passed, you are expected to contact the school immediately for further instruction regarding your indexing. Consider this URGENT S/NO Exam No Anat & Physiology FON(Including  Ethics of Nursing+ Emergency) Nutrition Use...
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SCHOOL OF NURSING IYI-ENU MISSION HOSPITAL OGIDI MODALITIIES AND ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE ENTRANCE EXAMINATION This is to officially announce to you that the entrance examination into School of Nursing, Iyi-Enu would be held over a period of four (4) days, from 14th to 17th September, 2020 by 9am daily and the following shall be the...
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